Milo 2

While getting a tattoo, I showed Milo 1 to the artist and he suggested that I could play with the idea of other kinds of polygons instead of circles or rectangles. So I got to it for a bit.

I went with having a Polygon class which can just create a polygon of any amount of sides. The sketch itself is pretty simple, in the background there are polygons of increansing radius, and at the forefront the same sided polygons offset from the middle by the corners repeating ad infinitum.

Here is an example with a 12-sided polygon (a dodecagon):

Milo-2 Dodecahedron

I then started playing a bit with HSL color space and the distance of the polygons from the center which I decided to stick to at the end. Here are some examples:

Milo-2 EX2Milo-2 EX3

The last of the exploration decitions I tried to do was to fill the outline, this gave a really toy-ish look that I really liked:

Milo-2 EX4

I enjoyed the experiment and you can now see it moving in a new page I created to showcase this kind of exploration where you can see it in motion, it is at: Milo-2.

Thank you for reading!